Creating Art for an Important Journey


The sense of depth and movement have our grateful staff mesmerised!”
– Martin Stack, Founder, Springmount Services

Our respect and reflection of the unique contributions of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in Australia. The first in a series of articles about Springmount Services commitment to our Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP)1.

Chern’ee Sutton2 is a contemporary Indigenous artist from the Kalkadoon people from the Mount Isa area in Queensland. We commissioned this gifted artist to create her interpretation of Springmount Services and our Reconciliation Action Plan Journey.

Chern’ee took this challenge to heart and “describes below” some of the intricate thought and elements which helped bring our Reconciliation Journey to real life.

“The Founder’s home village in Ireland is in the bottom left. Reflecting the Springmount Services logo, it has three green lines for the lush valley, with blue and green waterholes symbolising the river that the valley leads down into.”

The detail and imagery in this extraordinary piece of art bring a sense of joy upon every viewing.

“The large blue, green and white community symbol represents Springmount Services’ colours and their Brisbane Head Office. The five smaller blue, green, and white community symbols throughout the painting signify their offices in Victoria, New South Wales, South Australia, Western Australia, and Singapore.”

The four blue, green, and grey symbols in the large grey circle show the main elements of our Springmount Services Reconciliation Action Plan – Relationships, Respect, Opportunities, and Governance and Tracking Progress.

“The footprints show Springmount Services Reconciliation Journey, with the 5 handprints in the background symbolising and acknowledging the Traditional Owners of the lands on which they work and operate around Australia.”

Our dedicated Reconciliation working group are Kangaroo and Emu Footprints guiding us never backwards, but forward in our commitment to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

“The background six blue, green, and grey dotted circles, surrounded by service-related icons represent the many aspects Springmount Services excel in delivering their top-quality cleaning and faculty management services.”

Chern’ee has excelled in showing the core Springmount Services within 4 blue, green and white stars to represent “Contract and specialist cleaning”, “Physical and electronic security”, “Grounds maintenance and landscaping”, and “Waste management and pest control”.

“The tree identifies with the Springmount Services message of “We care”. They nurture and grow client relationships, and the leaves represent the many employees who work within the company. Like the leaves, the number of employees continues to grow and bloom, as Springmount Services has one of the best retention rates in the industry.”

Founded in 2002, Springmount Services partners with some of Australia’s largest property owners, property occupiers, and investors to deliver personalised, integrated services, security, maintenance, cleaning, ancillary services, hygiene, waste and recycling services to their prestige properties and tenants.

The boomerang and people U-shaped symbols show our customers returning for our award-winning quality service and commitment to sustainable, ethical business practices and sustainable cleaning.

Reconciliation is about strengthening relationships between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and non-Indigenous peoples, for the benefit of all Australians.3 At Springmount Services, we are committed to playing an active role in Reconciliation with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples, communities and organisations, and the wider community we engage with.

Building strong and lasting connections with our clients are what we are known for. With over 1300 employees on sites, all our Team share our commitment to service and care. Visit ……. 1 to see more about  Chern’ee’s spectacular artwork and explore our Springmount Services Reconciliation Action Plan.

Springmount Services will continue to learn, understand, value, and recognise Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures, histories, knowledge, and rights.

Thank you to Chern’ee for seeing the passion and the people within our business – for giving us help and a hand in our Journey.


1 View our RAP here.

2 Chern’ee Sutton

3 Reconciliation Australia