corporate governance

Reconciliation action plan (RAP)

Springmount Services focuses on building good relations between all our employees and are committed to promoting diversity within our organisation. This is realised through a positive environment and culture that supports efficient, safe, harmonious, and equitable workplace. This has rewarded us with one of the best retention rates in the commercial cleaning industry and allowed us to claim what we genuinely think are the best cleaners in our industry. 

We have conducted a range of activities; attended National Reconciliation Week and NAIDOC Week events, applied changes to employee leave requirements due to cultural responsibilities within the community, and abided by employment and equity law. Although conducive to fostering Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures into the workplace, this has been ad hoc, rather than part of an overall strategy. 


We developed a RAP for several reasons. The development of a RAP is seen by our owners, employees, and society as the most effective way to gain focus and embed structures for implementing reconciliation within the workplace. These require measurable and achievable systems and engaged and committed people. 

As relative newcomers, we accept the fact that we need to rely on the advice and wisdom that can be provided by an organisation like Reconciliation Australia, the company’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander employees, communities organisations and other stakeholders. Springmount Services is determined to move into the new world and ensure all our people and business practices are current, fair, transparent, and best in class. 

Most importantly, it is the right thing to do.

Our Progress

As an Australian owned and operated business, we have a corporate responsibility to recognise and contribute to reconciliation. To ensure our commitment to meaningful reconciliation, we will commit to measurable outcomes, develop, and provide long-term outcomes for the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities in which we operate.
